Contact Us - Inquiry

Submit Inquiry

By submitting this inquiry, you are requesting information. You may choose to start the complaint process by submitting the inquiry below, or you may contact us by telephone, mail, or in person. It is a good idea to review the resources available on this website before you get started.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There is a time limit for filing a charge. If you believe you have experienced illegal discrimination, please note the following filing requirements under Nebraska law:

  • 300 days from the date of harm for Employment discrimination
  • 365 days (one year) year from the date of harm for Housing discrimination
  • 10 days from the date of harm for Public Accommodation discrimination
  • 4 years from the date of harm for Equal Pay claims (under the Equal Pay Act of Nebraska)

If you choose to file a complaint, it's important that you file within the required timeframe allowed by law. If you are close to the filing deadline, we suggest that you contact us immediately by telephone at one of our offices (see left column for our locations and phone numbers).

Downloadable Inquiry Form

